Physical Disability

Dealing with Physical disabilities should not hinder anyone from living a fulfilled life, just like is everyone’s right. Community care services provide care that supports people with Physical disabilities to live a fulfilling life with a positive outcome.
Personalised mental health condition support
At Penta-A Care, we work in partnership with you, supporting you to live the life just the way you want each and every day. We recognise each person as an individual with a range of unique personal interests and aspirations. By focusing on your unique strengths and abilities, our aim is to help you achieve your personal goals. We develop a personalised support plan with you, so you can receive your care in the community where you live, the way you want it.
Choosing Penta-A Support & Care means receiving support and care to:
Encourage relationships – we support you to keep and maintain those relationship that are dear to you, meet friends and family
Get involve: Support to involve in activities as go to school, college or clubs, pursue a favourite hobby
Be fit and healthy – support to attend medical appointments, eat well or go to a fitness centre
Stay independent – manage money, take a shopping trip to town or pay bills
Maintain a daily routine – get up and go to bed
Keep your home clean and tidy – help with domestic chores like washing and ironing
We can come in once or twice a week or provide up to 24-hour care. Our staff have practical experience of meeting a wide range of complex care and support needs for people receiving care in the community. They are fully trained to respond to different communication needs, autistic spectrum disorders, physical disabilities and sensory impairment.